Wednesday, April 20, 2016

IxNetwork Traffic: Enable tracking based on the value of fragmentation D bit

You have 2 ports  and you want to send traffic from port1 (IP: to port2( IP:
Your DUT is going to remark the fragment bit from May fragment (0) to Do Not Fragment (1)

1. Create the topology as in the printscreen above
2. Create the Traffic Item
2.1 Select the proper Endpoints:

2.2 On Packet/QoS  window go to the packet structure and set the Fragment bit to May Fragment

2.3 On the same Packet/QoS window click on  the small field  next to fragment and choose to track it

2.4 On the Flow Tracking window enable Flow Tracking based on IPv4:Fragment

2.5 On the same Flow Tracking window Enable Egress Tracking and set Encapsulation to Any:Use Custom Settings

2.6 On The same Flow Tracking window set Offset to By Field and then press the button Select.
A new window will popup, look for field Fragment  Right click  and choose Default value 

Statistics verification
3.1 Start the Traffic Item
3.2 Go to Traffic Item Statistics tab, Right click on the Traffic Item line, choose Drill down per IngressEgress  Statistics-> Egress Fragment 

3.3 You will be switched to User defined stats and you will be able to see both initial ingress value and  the egress value ( in my case is 0 because there is no DUT to change that field in between )


  1. nice blog, many helpful recipes to start with IXIA

  2. I appreciate the time you have taken to explain the use of this tool; your instructions are very clear and detailed.

  3. thank you both for your appreciation :)

  4. what are the requirements, os , softwares are needed to do this process can you tell me about that.


    CCNA Training in Chennai

    1. The ixnetwork rewuirements are explained in another post, just check the history

  5. Hi Simina

    I would like to know if you have any documentation guides on how to configure ixia and ix network.

    Would you be able to let me know please.



  6. Thanks for this post Siminia.
    I would like to know if it is possible to send 100 fragments with the 100th fragment being the last one. will the above configuration take care of it if I only send fixed number of packets than a continuous burst?
    Kindly let me know


    1. It is possible

      The configuration above does not create fragments, it just tracks the DF bit. in order to really create fragments you have to modify more fields ( ex: fragment offset, fragment ID, etc)

  7. Hi Simina.

    Your blog posts about IxNetwork is intriguing. I am new to the equipment. May I know where did you install and operate your IxNetwork? Is it an application that already exist in the equipment or did you install it in your work computer/laptop?

    Thanks in advance
